Tower of Bubble


What is the “Tower of Bubble”?

It is the culmination of a 5-year project (very, very part time) – called G-Space – into the visualisation of grammar: it is a little bit like an x-ray inside the body of language.

Why? Because grammar is a compounded abstraction and visualising it can help students grasp it better.

Why grasp it better? Because it helps learning other languages. The logic underlying the “bubble-based” notation brings grammar into life, emphasising in particular the syntax of the cases (particularly useful for Latin and Ancient Greek, as help in translating Classical languages was one of my primary focuses).

It is designed so that it is easy to write with pen and paper (so long as the pentagram watermark is used).

It draws deliberately from the format of sheet music, where a musical score may be written above the lyrics of a song (here the rule is one bubble-symbol above each word)…and yes, a good musician who likes this stuff could help me convert the bubble structures into musical equivalents for a true synaesthetic experience of grammar!

Finally, the model was perfected by overlaying the concept of antifragility, drawn from Nassim Nicholas Taleb, exploring the notion that grammatical choices (deliberate or subliminal) may make a speech or a poem or a literary work convey different degrees of “fragility”.

Here is an example that uses the Tower of Bubble:


Want to try Tower of Bubble? Download the Template | Cheat Sheet (Key Symbols)

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